The Nest Chula-Samyan
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The value of memories never changes.

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Samyan ;, the community in the old district of Bangkok
s full of good memories of people.
Every era with a way of living in a culture
with its own uniqueness in the form of a community
with family bonds passed on from generation to generation
It is a warm community with smiles and laughter.
makes me feel good every time I think of 
Today, the aura of the triad still remains.
just being transformed into a city
that integrates life forms in new lifestyles
harmoniously in a unique and ready way
will be passed on to the next generation to go unfading

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Project Detail 

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Inside the specially designed room
in order to have the function of a comfortable space
have privacy Let you live life to the fullest
in every lifestyle please to make your everyday
Meaningful and a starting point
of new inspiration endlessly

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The downstairs swimming pool is over 20 meters long, which divides the pool area into a children pool, jacuzzi and mattresses to play in the water in one pool.
with outdoor lounge seating in the garden for a leisurely family day

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